Cerrowire Supports Local Communities with Donations

Hartselle, AL — As a leading U.S. manufacturer of copper building wire with plants located in several states, we call many communities home, and we strive to make a positive impact in each. During the holiday season, each plant collected donations to help families in their areas.

The Carrolton, Georgia, plant participated in a toy drive to benefit Carroll County children. Crothersville, Indiana, employees donated coats to Scott County Clearing House and food to the Crothersville Food Pantry, while Ogden, Utah employees held a Christmas Charity Drive to help children in three counties near that plant.

Our Hartselle, Alabama, employees collected toys for Feeding Families of Alabama. Feeding Families helps year-round with food assistance across six counties in North Alabama. During their holiday toy assistance, the organization expected to help 500 children, but the number of those with needs exceeded 900.

Executive Director E’dee Grun said, “We are really grateful to Cerrowire for the donations. They’ve brought so much happiness to all the kids!”

“As members of the business community in Hartselle, Crothersville, Carrollton and Ogden, we feel very strongly that Cerrowire can, and should, make a difference in the lives of the communities we serve,” President Stewart Smallwood said.


Cerrowire markets through a number of quality retailers and manufacturer’s representatives.