ReelRover Tools
ReelRover™ Operating Procedures
ReelRover Wire Loading Estimator
Use this simple tool to estimate how much wire to load on the ReelRover. Separate tabs in the Excel are geared to the ReelRover 4+1 model (4 conductor compartments plus 1 free-spinning ground compartment), along with 3+1 and 1+1 models.
Value Calculator
The ReelRover Value Calculator lets the Electrical Contractor see the costs that can be avoided when the ReelRover is on a job instead of using reel jacks. With simple inputs for your project, you will see the cost savings calculation.
ReelRover v. Metal Reels
This worksheet calculates the value to the contractor with the ReelRover in comparison to a metal compartmentalized reel on an A-frame.
ReelRover v. Wooden Reels
This worksheet calculates the value to the contractor using the ReelRover instead of wooden reels.
Distributor Checklist
The Equipment Inspection Checklist should be completed by qualified personnel at the distributor prior to each time the ReelRover is loaded on a truck for delivery to a contractor.
ReelRover Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide highlights the gearbox settings for PARK, NEUTRAL, and DRIVE on the ReelRover.
ReelRover User Manual & Operating Instructions
The User Manual & Operating Instructions specify the manner in which the ReelRover is to be operated as intended by Cerrowire. This document is used to conduct training for proper use so that the ReelRover is safely and correctly operated in both the distribution facility and on the job site.
ReelRover Safety Alert
The ReelRover Saftety Alert addresses the proper lifting technique for the ReelRover with a lull fork truck.
Visit the Cerrowire innovations page for more information and videos about ReelRover.